Born in Germany and adopted by an American Army officer, Maddie Lock fell in love with words as she learned the English language. When her stepfather retired, the family settled in Florida, where Maddie graduated from the University of South Florida with a BA in English Lit. After a brief freelance journalism career, Maddie side-tracked into the business world, eventually founding and building a successful security integration firm. After selling her company, it was time to return to her first passion of writing. Her combined love for dogs and children prompted two early readers: the award-winning Ethel the Backyard Dog, and Sammy the Lucky Dog. Focus soon shifted to creative nonfiction. Her essays have been published in various journals and anthologies, and she has recently completed a memoir.

Read My Latest Essays
As Michael and I plan our trip to Munich to hear Sieglinde’s story, we take the afternoon to research Lebensborn and decide if there was any validity to “the Nazi baby-making program.”
When I was fifteen, I walked up to the Whataburger on Seminole Boulevard at the edge of our lower middle class neighborhood in Seminole, Florida and applied for a carhop position. My family had moved into a rental house a few months earlier and I needed a job. My stepfather Ted had recently retired after…
Shop Published Works
The Dog Who Wooed at the World
Fifty tales of extraordinary animal courage including What Sam Has Taught Me by Maddie Lock.
Stories That Need to Be Told
My essay The Family Portrait is in TulipTree's most recent anthology Stories That Need to be Told
On Work: an anthology
On Work is a collection of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction that explores work from a variety of perspectives. From food service to road work, sales to the office, and driving to working from home, this collection is full of emotional resonance, keen observations, and powerful words.
Conversations: An Anthology of Prose & Poetry
Congratulations to our Editor's Prize winner, Maddie Lock for her heartfelt essay, "The Stranger."
Ethel the Backyard Dog
Ethel is a lonely dog who lives in her owner's backyard. When a nice lady moves in next door, Ethel jumps the fence and has an adventure that finally brings her the love she wants.
Sammy the Lucky Dog
Meet Sammy, a feisty Jack Russell Terrier with a lot of personality and a penchant for getting into trouble.