Our Lives

I never thought of myself as overly nostalgic but now I think I am. Every afternoon I wander upstairs and sit my butt on the carpet to ferret out more memories. It’s telling that the bin sat in our office for the last three years without me digging into it until a few weeks ago.

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Chasing the Shade

This thoughtful photo of Georgia O’Keefe in her advanced age, with this heading, could well be me. And, yes, I have been waiting to be myself again. Not just for the summer, but I can only hope that as heat and humidity scuttle away, some of me will come back with the freshness of our…

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Holding It Together

Anni’s kind and loving email made me think about the bonds we have with the people in our lives, how they are formed and how they affect us both consciously and subconsciously.

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Chronometry Redux

The new year was gliding along, mostly smooth with a hint of ripples. And then a tsunami blew in as a reminder that we are not in control.

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A Study in Contrasts

I have often sat and wondered how much of our humanity we will lose in order to live/survive within our rapidly advancing technological world.

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Tick Tock

Time had little meaning; only the essence of the moment seemed important. But all wonderful things come to an end, or they would lose much of their loveliness—it’s the contrast that is delicious.

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The next time you feel a strong aversion, or a gut punch at the thought of dealing with something, check in with fear. Give it a precise definition and slide it into the background.

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Make Friends With Your Monkey

All of us have one. Some are more active than others. When you think of a monkey what comes to mind is a chattering and noisy little creature that can’t stay still or be quiet (unless it’s sleeping. Maybe). Think about the last time you fretted about something.

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Resistance is the way we react when we don’t want to embrace the present moment. We want things to be different. Period. So we feel that anger, or jealousy, or impatience. We don’t accept that things are what they are.

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