A Time of Giving Thanks

By Maddie Lock | November 28, 2019

It’s that time of year to be thankful for all we have. To take a few deep breaths between our busy-ness and take a moment to experience the stillness we need to  reflect on those tiny moments that pass by like images on a home movie. It’s reflecting on those snippets that create those memories which make up the story of our lives.

Truth or Compassion?

By Maddie Lock | November 7, 2019

I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty responsible person when it comes to other’s feelings. So much so that I tend to get a mild panic attack when I feel I have let someone down, especially when that person is hurt by something I have done or said. It’s a responsibility we all have, this compassion and understanding for others.

Time Marches On

By Maddie Lock | September 29, 2019

Because Time is linear by our current concept of understanding, our actions are as well. Imagine placing one foot in front of the other on the path of our lives. We are limited by the time it takes to perform any task. We are bound by our bodies that need food and sleep and other forms of care. We are driven by our motivations, the importance of our daily actions beyond what our bodies need to stay alive and functioning.

Marathon Dump

By Maddie Lock | August 21, 2019

Every day I think about what I should be writing, jot down a few notes…and find lots of excuses to not transfer my brilliant ideas onto paper. I even shut down the computer for four days. A rebellion. Let me tell you what happened.

A Liminal Space

By Maddie Lock | July 21, 2019

If you look up liminal space, you’ll find a passage by Richard Rohr, an author and theologian. His reference and encouragement are clear in this passage: …where we are betwixt and between the familiar and the completely unknown. There alone is our old world left behind, while we are not yet sure of the new existence. That’s a good space where genuine newness can begin.

stack of books

Move That Here, No There…

By Maddie Lock | June 20, 2019

It’s a blustery Sunday afternoon, relentless summer rains in Florida. I’ve been at my computer since 9:00 this morning, with a break to shower, brush my teeth and eat a bowl of soup. It’s one of those days of intense focus as I labor through the long and confusing task of culling through almost 80,000 words of a book I thought I was almost finished with.